


from $8.00

All our honey is ‘wildflower’ honey—a mix of nectars from the many plants in our area visited by the bees throughout the Spring and Summer. These include basswood, locust and orchard trees, clovers, thyme, coneflowers, milkweed, thistle, sedum, goldenrod, asters, and many, many more!  We think once you taste the wonderful flavor and sweetness of Mill Run Honey, you'll never go back to store bought.  It's sort of like tasting that fresh-picked heirloom tomato from your own garden or from the farmer's market and comparing it to one from the grocery. As we like to say, our honey is all-natural, "just the way the bees make it." 

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Shipping: We no longer ship honey in glass containers. However, we can package and ship the 1, 2, or 5# plastic squeeze bottles of honey. We typically try to use USPS flat-rate boxes when possible. If you want to order multiple containers in a combined shipment please contact us to verify the shipping cost.

Crystallization: Raw honey can crystallize since it has an abundance of pollen and other natural enzymes and proteins. To return honey to liquid state slowly heat the honey in its container (open or loosen the lid) by setting it in a pan of warm water on a stove or hotplate with the lowest burner setting (do not exceed 140F water temp). This process can take more than an hour (depending on amount of honey and level of crystallization).

Infant Warning: Honey should not be given to children under one year of age.